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Bolton FM Banner



Local Connection

Bolton FM is brought to you by over 100 local people every week. Our unique status as Bolton's only community radio station means that we are able to offer small businesses fantastic value advertising and production

All of our ads are produced in-house which means we can offer fantastic value for money

Whether you're a small business, a start-up enterprise or an established local company wanting to broaden your existing customer base, advertising with Bolton FM is the medium for you, regardless of the size of your marketing budget

You can also sponsor specific shows in line with your products / services at very special rates.

Why Radio Advertising?

• It's portable - people listen in the car, in the shower, in the kitchen, on the bus or even in bed.
• It's personal - You are talking directly to the listener.
• It's instant - People can react straight away and come straight to you.
• It's flexible - You can build a campaign around your needs and budget.
• It's effective - In most cases, advertisers say that it is four times more effective than press advertising.

Moreover, advertising on Bolton FM is not just about reaching out to the community, but also about supporting it. By advertising on our community radio station, you are investing in the local community, contributing to its growth and development, and showcasing your commitment to the area.

Overall, advertising on Bolton FM is an exceptional way to connect with a dedicated and attentive audience. With a wide variety of advertising opportunities available, you can tailor your message to suit your business needs and benefit from a unique platform that nurtures local businesses and fosters community engagement.

Let Bolton know you are open for business.

Call us now on 01204374242