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A warm welcome to former tenants of Arcon Housing Association:

If you'd like read a short welcome message from our CEO, Noel Sharpe, as well as a quick recap of things you should know now that Arcon and Bolton at Home have merged, tap the button below.

Welcome to Bolton at Home

We manage and maintain around 19,000 properties in Bolton and beyond. On our site you can contact us, report a repair, pay your rent, learn how to apply for a home, get help and support, and more.

Tap here to learn more about us.

Call us

01204 328000
8am to 5.30pm (Mon - Fri)
You can still report emergency repairs while we’re closed using our out of hours phoneline, which you can call using the same number.

Use our webchat

Our staff are here to help from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday if you need us- and you can send your messages in another language thanks to our built-in translation feature.

Just tap the ‘Chat with us’ button at the bottom of your screen and we’ll be with you as soon as possible.

Message us on Facebook

Available 8am to 5.30pm (Mon - Fri)
Tap here to message us on Facebook (opens in a new tab)

Visit our reception

98 Waters Meeting Road
Bolton, BL1 8SW
8.45am to 4pm, Monday - Thursday

Good to know if you're a customer

  1. Short film: Our CEO, Noel Sharpe, shares some of our future plans and priorities

    We hope you’re well. Our CEO, Noel Sharpe, wanted to share some of our future plans and priorities in a short film. If you’ve time (4 mins), you can watch it by tapping on this article.

    Noel covers things like investing in properties, addressing damp, condensation, and mould, our new name, ways you can tell us what you think, and more.

    21 May 2024 10:00
  2. Coming together to celebrate the 'striking' impact of Backup North West

    Last Thursday (9 May 2024), we joined colleagues and beneficiaries of Backup Charity - along with several other ‘Guardians’** - to celebrate the striking impact the charity continues to have over a round of ten-pin bowling.

    Read on for the details and to learn more about Backup's tremendous work in providing safe and stable places for young people aged 16 to 25.

    16 May 2024 12:00
  3. Want to make a difference? Tap to see ways you can be involved in what we do

    Keen to make an impact? With so many ways to shape what we do in 2024, what better time to make your mark?

    Take that first step in making a difference by visiting our www.boltonathome.org.uk/be-involved page.

    09 May 2024 10:00
  4. Working to reduce the number of empty homes and explaining why we might sell some

    Working to reduce the number of empty homes and explaining why we might sell some

    We understand there are questions about our approach to managing empty homes and the circumstances under which we might choose to dispose of a property. We recognise your concerns and would like to provide some clarity. Please read on for details.

    08 May 2024 12:00
  5. Our new webpage tracks customer satisfaction with things like repairs, the quality and safety of homes, complaints, communication, and more

    A new page on our website (www.boltonathome.org.uk/our-performance) tracks how satisfied our customers are with things like repairs, the quality and safety of homes, complaints handling, communication, and more.

    Tap that link above to see the results, or read on for further details.

    07 May 2024 11:00
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